Marble Misty
Pattern: Misty Dress by Sew Altered Style
Fabric: Viscose lawn by Lady McElroy from Stitch Sew Shop
Sewn up: Summer 2019
While it was probably time to start sewing for fall about a month ago, I was racing to finish all sorts of warm-weather garments to bring on an early September adventure to the south of France. It was still in the high eighties during my time there, and most days consisted of wandering around tiny sunny villages followed by pool time (eek, me-made swimsuit post coming soon!!).
The Misty Dress is the first pattern release from Sew Altered Style. It is inspired by Misty Copeland, the famous ballet dancer, so this design has a graceful floatiness to it that I love. I was excited about the pretty neckline and simple cut of this dress (and a bust dart, woohoo!), and this late summer trip was calling me to have something light and festive to wear out and about the cobblestones.
I picked up this featherweight Lady McElroy viscose lawn with the Misty in mind – the print is called “effervescent bubble” and also reads to me as marbles*, moons, planets, paint droplets – all dreamy things, to me, for a fabric to evoke. An array of bright colors against black is one of my best-case fabric scenarios (see my black + red floral Adria), and this was probably my favorite fabric yet to capture in a drawing!
*Marbles have a special place in my heart from when I was a kid – my older sister had a drawer full of them that I used to sneak in and admire when she wasn’t around. She had all these different colors in there, and I loved the deep rolling sound they made as I opened and closed the drawer (even though sometimes I wished they weren’t so loud for fear of her catching me in there). I think my sentimentality around marbles is what drew me to this fabric!
~ Photos by Katherine Epstein this time, in the very sunny backyard of the house we stayed in in France – thanks sis!
Drawing process reel: closet floor photo, pencil sketch, digital drawing.